Consultancy Services and Software
Consultancy Services and Software
Consultancy Services and Software
Consultancy Services and Software
We are risk system subject matter experts providing system change consulting for asset managers and risk vendors.
We can run your full risk system change or provide targeted subject matter expertise. Whether your implementing, merging, upgrading or changing risk systems, we can help. We also have software that solves specific pain points if needed.
Our team has delivered dozens of system implementations and change projects for both asset managers and fintechs. Experienced with many popular risk systems including, Axioma Risk, Risk Metrics, APT (FIS IRM ), StatPro, FactSet, TS Imagine and more. All our staff specialise in risk analytics systems.
Tyler Tverdon.
Over the last 15 years Tyler has delivered countless risk change projects for asset managers and fintechs. He has worked at many of the main risk vendors and delivered risk projects directly for numerous UK based asset managers. He holds a degree in financial mathematics and the professional qualifications CFA and FRM. In his spare time he codes computer games.